Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm not dead yet...

Due to my inability to regularly blog, few people even know I'm on the North American continent. SO, this is for all of you who have checked my blog within the last six months and been annoyed that there is nothing new!

When I returned to Kansas City from my fantastic trip to Chile and Peru (April 2007), I went back to my recruiting job in Overland Park. I was living with Mom and Dad--ultra-comfortable--and trying, desperately, to figure out where I wanted to be. I was too comfortable. And if you ever get to the point where you're too comfortable and it's starting to bug you, you know you need to seriously shake up your life.

I worked through the summer and tried to avoid being offered a permanent job as a recruiter. I worked with nice people, however, 50-60 hours a week recruiting and interviewing and doing all that jazz really got old fast. I was planning on moving somewhere but wanted to keep my job until the moving actually was a reality. So, I worked hard and a lot of hours, but did my best to avoid any talk about hiring me on permanently.

The plan all along had been to move to Washington DC. I know people there, love the city, and just needed to be around other young professionals. I was tired of feeling "old" in my social circles. I am, for the record, not old and was getting tired of the wide-eyed looks I occasionally received from the 20 and under crowd when I told them that not only had I graduated from college, but I'd also served a mission and worked for over two years!! With those quick high school math skills they hadn't had time to lose, they realized very fast that all that means Amy=old.

So, plunging myself into a young professionals atmosphere seemed like the right thing! Of course, being an adept waffler, I wasn't sure what to do. Jen put a little bug in my ear for Boston. I remember saying, "Sure, Jen. Right!" But, as I thought more and more on it, I thought why not. I definitely knew fewer people in Boston and was excited for an opportunity to spread my wings a little further. There's safety and comfort in going where you know people. I needed to get uncomfortable!

As I thought more on Boston, it seemed like a good option. And I am SO glad that I chose it! It has been one of the best changes of my life. Growing up, I hated changed. Loathed it. Now, I kind of relish it! I love meeting new people and having new experiences. I will try to be better about posting and let you know how my adventures in Boston go. Again, most of you know me...and well, let's just say "Don't hold your breath." :)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

She's alive!!!

Hello friends and family...anyone who still looks at this blog every now and then. I'm so sorry that I haven't done a good job of posting. I can't guarantee that I will be better in the future, but maybe when thing settle down a bit...just maybe.

Well, the latest news. I'm a Bostonian! Toward the latter half of August, I packed up my car with all my belongings (all that would fit in a Camry, at least) and headed East. It was an adventure!! I love a good adventure!

Along the way I got to visit some wonderful friends and family. I stopped in on Becky Jo to see how she was doing. She had brain surgery (!) recently and I am SO happy to see that she's doing better!

Years and miles may pass, but things never really change with your best friend, huh? :)

This is a picture with Becky, her husband, Brett, and their latest addition, Spencer.

Unfortunately, it was a short visit. I made a quick trip into Omaha to see my friend, Sheri. She was approximately 10 months pregnant at the time. However, I was unable to get any photos of her and Bryce, her little boy, because my batteries were dead. I'm not sure she would have let me take a picture of her anyway!

I drove across Iowa...dark and stormy-like. It was an overcast day and the drive was long. But it was beautiful. My friend, Jenny, was so sweet to put me up for the evening. It was fun to see my "nieces," Addy and Brinley. They're adorable!

I arrived in Detroit the next night to the open arms of my sister, Jenn. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to leave Detroit, really. The roads were awful and it was pretty hot and humid, but it was so much fun to spend time with Jenn and Taryn. Poor Mike had to work some pretty ridiculous hours which meant that Jenn and I had lots of time together. Taryn was the funnest. Yes, the funnest. She is such a doll.

I know this post is seriously lacking in substance and charm but it is after 2 a.m. Please forgive me and I hope to do some more updating soon-ish. Stay tuned!